goto Appendx main menu Submission Guidelines
Appendx is not accepting submissions at this time. If we were, authors are asked to submit two copies of the manuscript, double-spaced on single sides of 8 1/2" x 11" paper; do not submit faxes, dot-matrix printouts, handwritten copy, or any single-spaced copy. Do not format the text (i.e., don't make headings bold or italic or in all caps, or block quotes, or add running heads). Pages should be numbered consecutively. Notes should be supplied as a separate set of pages at the end of the manuscript; do not set them up as footnotes. In general, the style conventions recommended by the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition, should be followed. 
Disks Submit a computer disk along with two hard copies of the manuscript. A Macintosh disk in Microsoft Word is optimal, but a disk generated by any other type of word- processing system can be submitted, clearly labeled as to author, article title, file name, and software used. Digital movies or high resolution images may be submitted on a ISO 9660 formatted CD or "Zip" disk (PC or Mac format). 
Artwork Submit camera-ready artwork (first copies of professionally prepared drawings, photographs, or photostats of drawings or photographs) in a separate Folder, and number each figure on a removable label or in light pencil on the back. Please include a complete set of photocopies of all art. Indicate on the manuscript approximately where the artwork should fall in relation to the text. Do not specify exact placement, which will be determined by page makeup. 
Permissions Submit all necessary written permission along with the manuscript (a sample permission letter is available upon request). Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to use text or illustrations reproduced from other sources and for supplying the Editorial Board with any necessary credit lines. 

In addition, Appendx is open to unsolicited manuscripts in response to any of the issues found within the papers, projects, or works presented in previous issues of the journal. Authors of published unsolicited manuscripts will be notified by mail. Manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. These, and other inquiries, should be sent to: Darell W. Fields, dfields[at] 

appendx inc.©1997