"The Internet and the Web present Architecture with a great challenge. At the turn of the century the introduction of new building materials, changing social conditions, and new production methods prompted many architects of the time to reassess the role and meaning of Architecture. Le Corbusier contrasted the aesthetic of the engineer with that of the architect in Towards a New Architecture

A similar comparison could be made today between the software engineer and the architect."

A Representational System for Architecture and Digital Environments

Larry Burks

VRML Models | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

This piece uses the CosmoPlayer plugin or any other VRML2.0 compatible browser. Get the CosmoPlayer plugin

VRML describes 3D interactive virtual worlds. Some of the models included above are quite large and work best on machines with at least 64 megs of RAM. A 3D video accelerator card will also improve the viewing quality of the models. Use the predefined viewpoints to help navigate the models. This project may not be compatible with some Macintosh systems.